Best cloud storage and file-sharing systems

In the era of mobile technologies, when we are almost constantly connected to the Internet, the cloud storage can be an invaluable help. In fact, the cloud solution has proved immensely popular in the last couple of years. They are used for storing documents, photos, and other important files. Naturally, they shouldn’t be the only way we store data. It’s good to have copies of them on a traditional physical medium too and use cloud storage at the same time. It’ll allow you to come unscathed in case your computer crashes or you lose your pendrive.


Why would you need a cloud storage system?

These types of drives offer the functionality of storing data, by means of which we can make backup copies of files or simply store your documents on them. Cloud solutions will give you access to them from anywhere in the world, from any device connected to the network. They have the power not only to make lives easier, but also greatly increase the efficiency of your work. It is true, especially if you often travel for work, use several computers, or have to show your work to other people on a regular basis. Cloud storage is excellent for those who often engage in collaboration projects and need to exchange files with other co-workers or clients.

If you are working on a larger project involving several people, a situation may arise in which someone simply will not be able to physically participate in joint meetings. Then, thanks to sharing the files, the absentees will have an insight into the changes and they will be able to work on a given project by introducing appropriate amendments

The question is, however, which offer to choose from among the many available on the market?
The choice is very wide and offers a specialized range of services and possibilities so that everyone should find the optimal solution for themselves. The cloud should be chosen according to the criterion of usability, offered functionalities and the price-to-quality ratio.



One of the most popular sites offering file storage in the cloud. The service offers a safe and convenient data backup, available from anywhere using equipment with internet connection. It comes with rich sharing features, available for both dropbox users and third parties, and the ability to log in to the account from multiple devices.

The website is distinguished by convenience and simplicity of use, but it will not appeal to people looking for a free way of remote archiving. You will be getting merely 2 GB of disk space free of charge.The Professional package, in which access to the service is shared by at least 3 users, gives you unlimited disk space from just EUR 15 per month per person.

2 GB – Free
100 GB – €1.99/month (DropBox)
2 TB – unlimited – €10-15/user/month (Dropbox Professional)


Google Drive

Google Drive is one of the leading websites offering data storage in the cloud. Deriving from the Google Docs service, the site offers a convenient circulation of files between different devices, and its functionality resembles the popular Dropbox platform. An advantage for people with an account on any of Google-related websites will be the fact that Google Drive syncs files from all your accounts. At the beginning we receive 15 GB of free disk space across the Google Drive itself, Gmail and Google Photos.

The biggest advantage of Google Drive is the fact that it is a service offered by one of the largest companies in the world. This should give you confidence that it will not disappear overnight with all your data.

15 GB – Free
100 GB – €1.99/month
1 TB – €9.99/month
10 TB – €99,99/month


One Drive

Cloud storage option from Microsoft.  The service offers all the same functions as Dropbox and Google Drive, i.e. synchronization with mobile devices, easy cataloging and file sharing. In addition, as with the Google service, One Drive offers support for all document files supported by MS Office. An interesting option is also the ability to access discs on your computer from the cloud level. Thanks to this option, you can remotely upload the desired content online, as well as have access to specific files offline. However, in order to enjoy full functionality, it is necessary to purchase a premium package, and it also comes with Office 365 service. The free option, gives you 5 GB of space, but without extensive sharing options.

5 GB – Free
50 GB – $1.99/month
1 TB – $6.99/month
10 TB – $9.99/month



The easiest choice for users working in an Apple device environment. The platform synchronizes all documents from your devices and automatically creates backup copies in the cloud. That way you can be sure that if you lose your equipment, you will be able to at least recover the docments. The application has a clear interface and conveniently displays the libraries. We also get the option of sharing selected files with specific people, including family or friends, which will allow you to store your data according to who they are shared with.

5 GB – Free
50 GB – €0.99/month
200 GB – €2.99/month
2 TB – €9.99/month



Box is a cloud that is not inferior in terms of functionality to Google Drive or Dropbox. The website focuses mainly on security and extensive file sharing capabilities – you can set access levels separately for all users of your account. In addition, the service works with Office 365 documents. You will get 10 GB of disk space for free, but the size of a single file shouldn’t exceed 250 MB. Naturally, you can also increase your space if you opt for the paid personal pro plan. However, it is the business plans that seem much more interesting. By choosing one of them you will receive unlimited disk space and all advanced website services. As with Dropbox, it is necessary to share the service with a minimum of 3 users.

10 GB – Free
100 GB – $10/month (Business Starter)
100 GB – $5/month (Business)
Unlimited – $15-25/month



Another cloud storage service website, based in New Zealand. Its creator is the infamous Kim Dotcom, the founder of the Megaupload service, closed a few years ago. Offering up to 50 GB of free disk space, this service is an extremely attractive option for people who would like to archive valuable data on external servers, but do not want to incur costs. A big plus is the security of the files that Mega offers. The files are encrypted and protected by passwords, and the service provider boasts that even he does not have access to them. We can also use the website from several devices, and, like with other clouds, conveniently share files via the Internet.

The disk capacity can be increased to 200 GB, 1TB, 4TB or even 8TB. Therefore, it is not the most attractive offer in terms of paid space, but also when it comes to the free account, Mega cloud seems second to none.

50 GB – Free
200 GB – €4.99/month
1 TB – €9.99/month
4 TB – €19,99/month
8 TB – €29.99/month



By |2018-04-14T19:36:49+02:00April 14th, 2018|Non classé|0 Comments

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