Personality and translation. What translator type are you?

Did you know that your personality may affect the way you work? We’ve identified 10 types of translators. Read on and find out what translator type you are. Or maybe you’re a mix of several types?

Translator type #1: The ‘yes’ man

Always take your clients’ or partners’ needs above their own. Too afraid to defend their own rights, state their case or present their point of view. They tend to accept all the offers they get, regardless of how ridiculous the requirements may be. One day rush? Will do! 12,000 words per day? Not a problem! As a result, both the quality of their work, their finances and their job satisfaction are likely to suffer. This type seems to be the most prevalent in newbies and translator-trainees. Fortunately, most of them eventually realize the consequences, and quickly shake off this destructive attitude.

Translator type #2: The social animal and event-goer

The stereotype has it that a typical translator is this totally introvert, bookish guy who thrives on solitude and avoids social gatherings. But does it always have to be that way? There are plenty of pretty sociable translators out there! They enjoy all sorts of translation-related events like workshops or conferences. More often than not, they belong to one or more translation association and are active members of translation communities on the internet. This type enjoys teamwork and never underestimates the value of networking.

Translator type #3:  The lone wolf

OK, but most stereotypes are one way or another rooted in reality. The truth is that translation, by and large, is a solitary profession. If you chose this job because, apart from the love for languages, you enjoy the comfort of working from the peace and quiet of your home, away from other people, you might be the lone wolf. This type is usually diligent, highly focused on their work and doesn’t feel bored working long hours. They are used to relying on their own and don’t feel daunted by taking on challenging solo projects.

Translator type #4: The perfectionist

Translating a text may take them ages, because nothing is ever good enough for them. They take plenty of time proofreading, editing and correcting, and then again correcting and editing. Always on the lookout of the “perfect phrase”, even when the time-to-money ratio starts to suffer. Highly competitive type, who completes mostly with themselves. They feel ill-at-ease having to look at their work once it’s handed over to the client – always afraid they will find something that could have been done better.

Translator type #5: Never-out-of-work type

Always in the work mode. Whenever they are, whatever they do, they never cease to think about work. When reading a book, watching a movie, or looking through a restaurant menu, they always analyze the translation, finding faults, asking themselves: “would I have done it differently?”  That’s just how their mind works, there’s no way to turn it off!

Translator type #6: The pedantic and orderly type.

They keep a copy of every single document they translated since the very first day they started this business. With just a few mouse clicks they’re able to tell you what exactly they were busy with in 2001. But it doesn’t end there! Everything is carefully arranged according to the year, client, theme, etc. They seem to thrive on schedules and order. Their translation memories and glossaries are regularly revised and updated, as are entries in the calendar and to-do lists.

Translator type #7: The set-in-their-ways type

Accustomed to doing things in certain ways and not too eager to change the already fixed habits. They are usually rather distrustful of novelties and reluctant towards changes in the industry, development of new technologies or ideas. All too often, they are the first ones to complain about feature- or interface-related changes in the software programs they use. Sometimes get too nostalgic about the past.

Translator type #8: Curious explorer

The exact opposite of the previous type. They eagerly test new products and follow industry news trying to stay on top of everything that’s new. They attend translation events, eagerly test new solutions and ideas, constantly focusing on self-development and expanding their qualifications.

Translator type #9: Born diplomat

They skillfully negotiate both the rates and requirements of their clients. These individuals can successfully defend their point of view (and hence the text version) in a delicate and assertive way. They’re not afraid to advise their clients, suggest different solutions or pinpoint mistakes. They never burn bridges, even if the clients’ demands and prices offered are inadequate to the required workload.

Translator type #10: The loving their job type

This type carefully selects projects in which they participate, so that each of them brings some sort of satisfaction – if not a financial one, then at least in terms of professional growth. They like challenges and treat them as an opportunity to learn something new. As a result of such attitude, they aren’t threatened by the prospect of professional burnout or perceiving their work as boring or repetitive.

By |2019-01-17T22:29:05+01:00August 26th, 2018|Non classé|0 Comments

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