Gift ideas for translators to try this Christmas

Looking for some perfect last-minute Christmas gift ideas for translators? Gift-hunting when pressed for time may not be easy, but perhaps the following list will be of help.

USB gadgets

USB gadgets are always a cool option for those spending a lot of time in front of computer screens. The choice is staggering: from USB HUBs, powerbanks, mug heaters, lamps, a fan or an additional speaker. Many translators stay up until late at night, so a USB-powered foot heater would be a thoughtful and useful gift as well. Such devices can be connected to a computer as a power source. You can enjoy them during the never-ending sessions.


A mug

This one never gets old. Why? Most translators are powered by coffee, so it’s a very practical and useful gift. And if you manage to find one with a translation-related message, it will surely warm the heart of every translator. For those constantly on the move, a nice thermal mug would be a great idea.


An ergonomic chair

When asked, people who spend most of their time in front of a computer screen, usually complain of back pain. A great way to reduce it, is to opt for an appropriate ergonomic chair with good lumbar and neck support. It is worth paying attention to whether it has adjustable armrests too. True, it’s definitely not a cheap option, but if you have money to spare, every translator will appreciate it!


A massage session

Do you know anybody who would say ‘no’ to a nice back massage? Right! It will be especially appreciated by those who lead sedentary lifestyle or whose job requires sitting at a desk a lot. It can bring a great relief when experiencing back pain, muscle tension and it’s a perfect treatment for reducing stress. Other than that, it is highly enjoyable experience that positively increases the feeling of comfort.

An organizer/a planner

Translation job comes with many challenges, and keeping deadlines can be one of them. Juggling between clients and projects may sometimes seems like a tall order. That’s why a good organizer is every translator’s best friend. It surely makes it easier to be on top of everything, but it can also help maintain a good work-life balance.


A good dictionary

Despite technological progress and the vast availability of online glossaries, sometimes a reliable dictionary can be a powerful resource. It is especially true of specialist dictionaries, like a thesaurus, a dictionary of collocations or the ones dedicated to a narrow field of knowledge. Every translator is a language lover at heart, so a good dictionary is a safe, yet a foolproof gift idea that every translator will be happy to get.


A CAT tool license

This list would not be complete without mentioning one of the best possible gift ideas for translators: a Computer-Assisted Translation software. In today’s world it is more and more difficult to stay competitive on the market, if you’re not using the latest technology. When looking for a CAT software, it is important to choose one that is compatible with other tools, so that you can successfully cooperate with various translation agencies. That’s why Déja Vu X3 is a great option, as it supports multiple formats.

Thanks to advanced features such as Deep Miner, it also offers a productivity gain of 15% when compared to competitive tools available on the market. Therefore, by giving a translator the DVX3 license you’re not just giving them a great tool, you’re giving them free time too!

By |2017-12-20T06:08:53+01:00December 20th, 2017|Non classé|0 Comments

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