

  • 1. Added support for PangeaMT.
  • 2. Added support for handling of non-translatables in SDLXLIFF files.
  • 3. Improved handling of XLIFF files with malformed headers.
  • 4. Improved handling of invalid characters and mixed line endings in XLIFF files.
  • 5. Improved round-tripping of custom state-qualifier values in XLIFF files.


  • 1. Removed heuristics to hide “non-translatable” segments in XLIFF files.
  • 2. Updated confirmation status icons.
  • 3. Performance improvement for internal repetition calculation in “each file” mode.
  • 4. Fix for crash when opening existing project with RTL languages.
  • 5. Fix to prevent adding target languages to existing projects when limit has been reached.
  • 6. Fix for segment status not being updated in Ribbon after removing confirmation status.
  • 7. Fix for segment confirmation status not being cleared after changing the case of selected target text.
  • 8. Fix for Microsoft Translator connectivity check.
  • 9. Fix for missing encoding declaration in XLIFF External Views.
  • 10. Fix for issues with Sogou Pinyin IME under Windows 7.
  • 11. Fix for broken embedded codes in RTL languages.
  • 12. Fix for error when exporting SDLXLIFF with empty target segments.
  • 13. Fix for cases where joining across XLIFF trans-unit boundaries is incorrectly allowed.
  • 14. Fix for issues with invalid XLIFF External Views due to invalid XML characters.
  • 15. Fix for crash when exporting translated TMX file from project.
  • 16. Fix for error when collecting Asia Online results during Pretranslation.
  • 17. Fix for Excel Live filter importing hidden sheets.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing SDLXLIFF comments.
  • 19. Fix for crash when importing XLIFF file with processing instructions.


  • 1. Added updated help files for Déjà Vu X3.
  • 2. Added support for removing confirmation status when a confirmed segment is edited.
  • 3. Added support for locking editing of source segments by default (you can unlock them with Alt+F2).
  • 4. Added support for regular expressions in Find & Replace.
  • 5. Added support for detecting and replacing non-translatables in fuzzy match repairs:
  • • When Déjà Vu X3 tries to identify the translation for the term(s) being replaced, it will use the source term itself if it can’t find an official translation in the lexicon, TB(s) and/or TM(s).
  • • If the source term being replaced has been deemed to be non-translatable (no translation for it was available, and same source term was found in the translated segment of the fuzzy match) the replacement term is also considered to be non-translatable; in other words, if no translation for it can be found in the lexicon, TB(s) or TM(s), Déjà Vu X3 will simply insert the source term.
  • 6. Added support for ignoring minor differences in font scaling, spacing, position and kerning in Word Live filter, to reduce the number of extraneous codes in documents converted from PDF files.
  • 7. Added support for new productivity tracking functionality in the upcoming new version of TEAMserver.
  • 8. Added new XML filter definition file for Infix XML.


  • 1. Fix for non-extracted single letters when followed by colon.
  • 2. Fixes for several issues with exporting translated documents with the Word Live filter.
  • 3. Fixes for several issues with paragraphs nested inside shapes and drawings in Word Live filter.
  • 4. Fix for issues with inline structured document tags in Word Live filter.
  • 5. Fix for incorrectly hidden embeddable tags in Author-it XML files.
  • 6. Fix for issue with conversion of LF line breaks to CRLF in SDLXLIFF files.
  • 7. Fix for issues with empty self-closing tags in SDLXLIFF files.
  • 8. Fix for issues with hidden exact matches in TXML files.
  • 9. Fix for issue with exporting translated Transit NXT project with source files inside subfolders.
  • 10. Fix for issues with automatic update notifications.
  • 11. Fixes for several issues with Pretranslate.
  • 12. Fix for “switch to” errors when using COM+.
  • 13. Fix for issue with exporting local termbases to TEAMserver.
  • 14. Fix for performance issue when sending tracked project status updates to TEAMserver when in All Files view.
  • 15. Fix for issues with status updates of projects tracked in TEAMserver.
  • 16. Fix for issues with permissions when tracking a project with TEAMserver.
  • 17. Fix for issues with language support when sending to TEAMserver TM.
  • 18. Fix for issues with floating license disconnection with TEAMserver.


  • 1. Fix for PowerPoint export issues.
  • 2. Fix for extraneous codes surrounding half-width characters in Japanese Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Fix for issue with exporting IDML file with locked text frames.
  • 4. Fix for issues with Japanese and Korean input.
  • 5. Fix for issue with TEAMserver Pretranslation.
  • 6. Fix for TEAMserver AutoSearch ignoring TM and TB Read checkbox.
  • 7. Fix for TEAMserver passwords not being persisted correctly.
  • 8. Updates to French UI localization.
  • 9. Updates to Dutch UI localization.


  • 1. Completely rewritten Adobe InDesign IDML filter with support for inline formatting, fewer codes and faster import and export.
  • 2. Added support for ignoring locked text frames when importing Adobe InDesign IDML files.
  • 3. Replaced the PDF converter component used by the PDF filter, for improved inline formatting and preview capabilities.
  • 4. Added support for specifying whether to use textboxes for layout (rather than “flowing” text) when converting PDF files (useful for PDFs with tables).
  • 5. Added support for using the PDF converter in Word 2013 to perform PDF to DOC conversions in the PDF filter.
  • 6. Added support for importing and exporting comments in SDLXLIFF files
  • 7. Added support for handling compressed XLIFF (XLZ, MQXLZ) files transparently in the XLIFF filter.
  • 8. Added support for XLIFF External View export in Déjà Vu X3 Professional.
  • 9. Added support for synchronizing client and subject lists with TEAMserver.
  • 10. Added Dutch UI translation (courtesy of Janine Kiebert).


  • 1. Fix for issues with incorrectly shared primary language IDs.
  • 2. Fix for inability to properly set the option to Process Embedded HTML in some cases.
  • 3. Fix for missing import options for Office Live filter in FILE > Options > Filters.
  • 4. Fix for missing embedded HTML in exported Excel files in Office Live filter.
  • 5. Fix for issue with mismatched inline elements when exporting DOCX files in Office Live filter.
  • 6. Fix for extraneous codes when switching between double- and single-byte runs in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 7. Fix for issues with formatted text in field codes in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for multiple issues with PowerPoint files in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for issue with inline grouped shapes when exporting Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for incorrect handling of field contents in hidden text in Word files in Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect export when ignoring comments in Word document in Office Live filter.
  • 12. Fix for issue with handling of drawing text in Word documents in Office Live filter.
  • 13. Fix for incorrect re-segmentation of certain SDLXLIFF files.
  • 14. Fix for incorrectly placed DOCTYPE declaration in XLIFF filter export.
  • 15. Fix for incorrect escaping of curly braces in non-extractable segments in XLIFF files.
  • 16. Fix for issue with incorrect decompression of certain compressed XLIFF files.
  • 17. Fix for incorrect display of attribute data types in termbases.
  • 18. Fix for incorrect sorting of folder name in the Project Explorer.
  • 19. Fix for issue when enumerating recent file registry values at startup.
  • 20. Fix for issue with handling of line breaks, paragraph breaks and multiple tabs in RTF EVs.
  • 21. Fix for issue with incorrect file extension when exporting Trados RTF EVs.
  • 22. Fix for issues with TEAMserver floating licenses over TCP.
  • 23. Fixed inconsistencies between local and TEAMserver TM match scoring.
  • 24. Fixed issues with match sorting (translation date instead of source date).
  • 25. Improved handling of inline formatting marker codes in match scoring.
  • 26. Fix for issue retrieving exact TM matches for number-only segments.
  • 27. Fix for crash when minimizing wizards.
  • 28. Workaround to force Word to reload custom dictionaries after adding words.

Fixes Engine (General)

  • 1. Fix for issue with preview skeleton in PNG export.
  • 2. Fix for issues with Asia Online.

Microsoft Office (Live) Filter

  • 1. Fix for issue with exporting when inline formatting is applied to inline tags.
  • 2. Fixed issues with text directionality when exporting.
  • 3. Fix for issues with joining across paragraphs/cells in PowerPoint and Excel files.
  • 4. Fix for issue when exporting Word document with text inside a grouped shape.
  • 5. Fix for issue with hidden text in Word field results being extracted.
  • 6. Fix for incorrectly placed source and target comments when exporting Word file.
  • 7. Fix for issue with Excel segments that have been joined and re-split.
  • 8. Fix for incorrectly placed source and target comments when exporting Word file.
  • 9. Fix for issue with Excel segments that have been joined and re-split.
  • 10. Fix for issues with character encoding in code-only segments in PowerPoint and Excel files.
  • 11. Fixes for multiple issues with PPT files.
  • 12. Fix for issue with mismatched formatting runs in PowerPoint files.
  • 13. Fix for issue with enumerating SmartArt objects in PowerPoint files.
  • 14. Fix for issue with empty text boxes PowerPoint files.
  • 15. Fix for issue with preview of PowerPoint files with embedded objects.
  • 16. Fix for issue with duplicated or missing text in exported PowerPoint files.
  • 17. Fix for PowerPoint slide notes being imported twice.
  • 18. Fix for issue with PowerPoint master slides.
  • 19. Fix for issue with text boxes in PowerPoint notes master.
  • 20. Fix for issue with missing handout master slide in PowerPoint presentations.
  • 21. Fix for issue with date and page number fields in PowerPoint files.

Microsoft Word/RTF Filter

  • 1. Fix for crash when exporting DOC/RTF file with non-ASCII characters in hidden text before first segment.

Transit NXT Filter

  • 1. Removed code check when exporting Transit NXT files.
  • 2. Fixed incorrect handling of last modified dates.
  • 3. Fixed issue with code-only segments.

XLIFF Filter

  • 1. Fix for loss of single trailing punctuation symbol after last code when processing embedded HTML.
  • 2. Fix for issue with segments with embedded HTML inside quotes.

XLIFF (External View)

  • 1. Fix for issue reimporting XLIFF External View where tags have been removed.

UI (General)

  • 1. Added Simplified Chinese translation for the UI.
  • 2. Updated Russian UI translations.
  • 3. Additional fix for issues with docking pane state persistence.
  • 4. Fix for issue with missing previews when running import wizards again using the same external Excel file.
  • 5. Fix for empty language list when using Satellite Export wizard a second time.
  • 6. Fix for issue with repeated languages in Export Options window.
  • 7. Fix for crash when changing text directionality.
  • 8. Fix for issues with Aligner interface.
  • 9. Fix for issue with context window size in Pretranslate options.
  • 10. Added support for dynamically disabling conflicting AutoSearchshortcuts which interfere with Arabic keyboards (such as Ctrl+Shift+2).


  • 1. Fix for Insert Current AutoSearch Segment without Repair not working.
  • 2. Fix for issue with case conversion when inserting AutoSearch segments.


  • 1. Fix for various issues with Analyze user interface options.
  • 2. Fix for incorrect results when using specific TMs in Analyze.


  • 1. Added support for joining segments across paragraph breaks in Offce Live filter.
  • 2. Added support for exporting segment status highlighting and comments to the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Added support for extracting index entries in Word files in the Office Live filter.


  • 1. Updated visual appearance of various wizards.
  • 2. Performance improvements for Live Preview.
  • 3. Fix for loss of inline formatting when sending an entire project to the translation memory.
  • 4. Improved handling of control characters in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 5. Fix for issues with formatted numbered lists in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 6. Fix for issues with incorrectly escaped characters in hidden runs in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 7. Fix for extraneous codes caused by proofing language changes in Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for inconsistent embedded HTML and regular expression support in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for inconsistent support for importing comments in Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for issue with revision tracking in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect detection of tag-only segments in the aligner.
  • 12. Fix for character encoding issues in hidden text in RTF and DOC filters.
  • 13. Fix for issues with hidden text in the Office 2007 Open XML filter.
  • 14. Fix for issue with screen flicker when AutoSearch is enabled.
  • 15. Fix for issue with docking pane state not being saved in some cases.
  • 16. Fix for issues with disabled dockable panes.
  • 17. Fix for disabled button in FILE > Deliver and Export window when entering non-existent path.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing items from the default ribbon or context menu layouts.
  • 19. Fix for issue with inconsistent text wrapping and missing lines in the translation grid.
  • 20. Fix for certain File tab actions not working when added to customized ribbon.
  • 21. Removed overwrite prompt when selecting an existing translation memory in the Alignment wizard.
  • 22. Restored support for exporting files from full satellites in the Professional version.
  • 23. Reduced docking pane caption size.
  • 24. Removed upper case conversion for user and file names in status bar.
  • 25. Status bar labels and messages no longer appear in upper case.
  • 26. Fix for project tab set not being shown when opening empty projects.
  • 27. Fix for error in Batch QA when using invalid SQL filter.
  • 28. Fix for various issues with customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 29. Fix for incorrect option names in the Export options window.
  • 30. Fix for issues with exporting translation memories to Excel.
  • 31. Fix for issue with duplicate detection in translation memories with orphaned translations.
  • 32. Fix for missing display of unknown client codes when browsing the translation memory.
  • 33. Fix for issue with missing termbase matches in AutoSearch when using COM+.
  • 34. Fix for incorrect SQL when selecting Confirmed status in the Build Status Expression window.
  • 35. Fix for issue with recent file list showing items that no longer exist.


  • 1. Added support for joining segments across paragraph breaks in Offce Live filter.
  • 2. Added support for exporting segment status highlighting and comments to the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Added support for extracting index entries in Word files in the Office Live filter.


  • 1. Updated visual appearance of various wizards.
  • 2. Performance improvements for Live Preview.
  • 3. Fix for loss of inline formatting when sending an entire project to the translation memory.
  • 4. Improved handling of control characters in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 5. Fix for issues with formatted numbered lists in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 6. Fix for issues with incorrectly escaped characters in hidden runs in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 7. Fix for extraneous codes caused by proofing language changes in Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for inconsistent embedded HTML and regular expression support in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for inconsistent support for importing comments in Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for issue with revision tracking in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect detection of tag-only segments in the aligner.
  • 12. Fix for character encoding issues in hidden text in RTF and DOC filters.
  • 13. Fix for issues with hidden text in the Office 2007 Open XML filter.
  • 14. Fix for issue with screen flicker when AutoSearch is enabled.
  • 15. Fix for issue with docking pane state not being saved in some cases.
  • 16. Fix for issues with disabled dockable panes.
  • 17. Fix for disabled button in FILE > Deliver and Export window when entering non-existent path.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing items from the default ribbon or context menu layouts.
  • 19. Fix for issue with inconsistent text wrapping and missing lines in the translation grid.
  • 20. Fix for certain File tab actions not working when added to customized ribbon.
  • 21. Removed overwrite prompt when selecting an existing translation memory in the Alignment wizard.
  • 22. Restored support for exporting files from full satellites in the Professional version.
  • 23. Reduced docking pane caption size.
  • 24. Removed upper case conversion for user and file names in status bar.
  • 25. Status bar labels and messages no longer appear in upper case.
  • 26. Fix for project tab set not being shown when opening empty projects.
  • 27. Fix for error in Batch QA when using invalid SQL filter.
  • 28. Fix for various issues with customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 29. Fix for incorrect option names in the Export options window.
  • 30. Fix for issues with exporting translation memories to Excel.
  • 31. Fix for issue with duplicate detection in translation memories with orphaned translations.
  • 32. Fix for missing display of unknown client codes when browsing the translation memory.
  • 33. Fix for issue with missing termbase matches in AutoSearch when using COM+.
  • 34. Fix for incorrect SQL when selecting Confirmed status in the Build Status Expression window.
  • 35. Fix for issue with recent file list showing items that no longer exist.


  • 1. Added support for joining segments across paragraph breaks in Offce Live filter.
  • 2. Added support for exporting segment status highlighting and comments to the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Added support for extracting index entries in Word files in the Office Live filter.


  • 1. Updated visual appearance of various wizards.
  • 2. Performance improvements for Live Preview.
  • 3. Fix for loss of inline formatting when sending an entire project to the translation memory.
  • 4. Improved handling of control characters in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 5. Fix for issues with formatted numbered lists in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 6. Fix for issues with incorrectly escaped characters in hidden runs in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 7. Fix for extraneous codes caused by proofing language changes in Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for inconsistent embedded HTML and regular expression support in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for inconsistent support for importing comments in Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for issue with revision tracking in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect detection of tag-only segments in the aligner.
  • 12. Fix for character encoding issues in hidden text in RTF and DOC filters.
  • 13. Fix for issues with hidden text in the Office 2007 Open XML filter.
  • 14. Fix for issue with screen flicker when AutoSearch is enabled.
  • 15. Fix for issue with docking pane state not being saved in some cases.
  • 16. Fix for issues with disabled dockable panes.
  • 17. Fix for disabled button in FILE > Deliver and Export window when entering non-existent path.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing items from the default ribbon or context menu layouts.
  • 19. Fix for issue with inconsistent text wrapping and missing lines in the translation grid.
  • 20. Fix for certain File tab actions not working when added to customized ribbon.
  • 21. Removed overwrite prompt when selecting an existing translation memory in the Alignment wizard.
  • 22. Restored support for exporting files from full satellites in the Professional version.
  • 23. Reduced docking pane caption size.
  • 24. Removed upper case conversion for user and file names in status bar.
  • 25. Status bar labels and messages no longer appear in upper case.
  • 26. Fix for project tab set not being shown when opening empty projects.
  • 27. Fix for error in Batch QA when using invalid SQL filter.
  • 28. Fix for various issues with customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 29. Fix for incorrect option names in the Export options window.
  • 30. Fix for issues with exporting translation memories to Excel.
  • 31. Fix for issue with duplicate detection in translation memories with orphaned translations.
  • 32. Fix for missing display of unknown client codes when browsing the translation memory.
  • 33. Fix for issue with missing termbase matches in AutoSearch when using COM+.
  • 34. Fix for incorrect SQL when selecting Confirmed status in the Build Status Expression window.
  • 35. Fix for issue with recent file list showing items that no longer exist.


  • 1. Added support for joining segments across paragraph breaks in Offce Live filter.
  • 2. Added support for exporting segment status highlighting and comments to the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Added support for extracting index entries in Word files in the Office Live filter.


  • 1. Updated visual appearance of various wizards.
  • 2. Performance improvements for Live Preview.
  • 3. Fix for loss of inline formatting when sending an entire project to the translation memory.
  • 4. Improved handling of control characters in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 5. Fix for issues with formatted numbered lists in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 6. Fix for issues with incorrectly escaped characters in hidden runs in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 7. Fix for extraneous codes caused by proofing language changes in Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for inconsistent embedded HTML and regular expression support in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for inconsistent support for importing comments in Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for issue with revision tracking in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect detection of tag-only segments in the aligner.
  • 12. Fix for character encoding issues in hidden text in RTF and DOC filters.
  • 13. Fix for issues with hidden text in the Office 2007 Open XML filter.
  • 14. Fix for issue with screen flicker when AutoSearch is enabled.
  • 15. Fix for issue with docking pane state not being saved in some cases.
  • 16. Fix for issues with disabled dockable panes.
  • 17. Fix for disabled button in FILE > Deliver and Export window when entering non-existent path.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing items from the default ribbon or context menu layouts.
  • 19. Fix for issue with inconsistent text wrapping and missing lines in the translation grid.
  • 20. Fix for certain File tab actions not working when added to customized ribbon.
  • 21. Removed overwrite prompt when selecting an existing translation memory in the Alignment wizard.
  • 22. Restored support for exporting files from full satellites in the Professional version.
  • 23. Reduced docking pane caption size.
  • 24. Removed upper case conversion for user and file names in status bar.
  • 25. Status bar labels and messages no longer appear in upper case.
  • 26. Fix for project tab set not being shown when opening empty projects.
  • 27. Fix for error in Batch QA when using invalid SQL filter.
  • 28. Fix for various issues with customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 29. Fix for incorrect option names in the Export options window.
  • 30. Fix for issues with exporting translation memories to Excel.
  • 31. Fix for issue with duplicate detection in translation memories with orphaned translations.
  • 32. Fix for missing display of unknown client codes when browsing the translation memory.
  • 33. Fix for issue with missing termbase matches in AutoSearch when using COM+.
  • 34. Fix for incorrect SQL when selecting Confirmed status in the Build Status Expression window.
  • 35. Fix for issue with recent file list showing items that no longer exist.


  • 1. Added support for joining segments across paragraph breaks in Offce Live filter.
  • 2. Added support for exporting segment status highlighting and comments to the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Added support for extracting index entries in Word files in the Office Live filter.


  • 1. Updated visual appearance of various wizards.
  • 2. Performance improvements for Live Preview.
  • 3. Fix for loss of inline formatting when sending an entire project to the translation memory.
  • 4. Improved handling of control characters in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 5. Fix for issues with formatted numbered lists in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 6. Fix for issues with incorrectly escaped characters in hidden runs in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 7. Fix for extraneous codes caused by proofing language changes in Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for inconsistent embedded HTML and regular expression support in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for inconsistent support for importing comments in Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for issue with revision tracking in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect detection of tag-only segments in the aligner.
  • 12. Fix for character encoding issues in hidden text in RTF and DOC filters.
  • 13. Fix for issues with hidden text in the Office 2007 Open XML filter.
  • 14. Fix for issue with screen flicker when AutoSearch is enabled.
  • 15. Fix for issue with docking pane state not being saved in some cases.
  • 16. Fix for issues with disabled dockable panes.
  • 17. Fix for disabled button in FILE > Deliver and Export window when entering non-existent path.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing items from the default ribbon or context menu layouts.
  • 19. Fix for issue with inconsistent text wrapping and missing lines in the translation grid.
  • 20. Fix for certain File tab actions not working when added to customized ribbon.
  • 21. Removed overwrite prompt when selecting an existing translation memory in the Alignment wizard.
  • 22. Restored support for exporting files from full satellites in the Professional version.
  • 23. Reduced docking pane caption size.
  • 24. Removed upper case conversion for user and file names in status bar.
  • 25. Status bar labels and messages no longer appear in upper case.
  • 26. Fix for project tab set not being shown when opening empty projects.
  • 27. Fix for error in Batch QA when using invalid SQL filter.
  • 28. Fix for various issues with customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 29. Fix for incorrect option names in the Export options window.
  • 30. Fix for issues with exporting translation memories to Excel.
  • 31. Fix for issue with duplicate detection in translation memories with orphaned translations.
  • 32. Fix for missing display of unknown client codes when browsing the translation memory.
  • 33. Fix for issue with missing termbase matches in AutoSearch when using COM+.
  • 34. Fix for incorrect SQL when selecting Confirmed status in the Build Status Expression window.
  • 35. Fix for issue with recent file list showing items that no longer exist.


  • 1. Added support for joining segments across paragraph breaks in Offce Live filter.
  • 2. Added support for exporting segment status highlighting and comments to the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Added support for extracting index entries in Word files in the Office Live filter.


  • 1. Updated visual appearance of various wizards.
  • 2. Performance improvements for Live Preview.
  • 3. Fix for loss of inline formatting when sending an entire project to the translation memory.
  • 4. Improved handling of control characters in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 5. Fix for issues with formatted numbered lists in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 6. Fix for issues with incorrectly escaped characters in hidden runs in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 7. Fix for extraneous codes caused by proofing language changes in Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for inconsistent embedded HTML and regular expression support in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for inconsistent support for importing comments in Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for issue with revision tracking in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect detection of tag-only segments in the aligner.
  • 12. Fix for character encoding issues in hidden text in RTF and DOC filters.
  • 13. Fix for issues with hidden text in the Office 2007 Open XML filter.
  • 14. Fix for issue with screen flicker when AutoSearch is enabled.
  • 15. Fix for issue with docking pane state not being saved in some cases.
  • 16. Fix for issues with disabled dockable panes.
  • 17. Fix for disabled button in FILE > Deliver and Export window when entering non-existent path.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing items from the default ribbon or context menu layouts.
  • 19. Fix for issue with inconsistent text wrapping and missing lines in the translation grid.
  • 20. Fix for certain File tab actions not working when added to customized ribbon.
  • 21. Removed overwrite prompt when selecting an existing translation memory in the Alignment wizard.
  • 22. Restored support for exporting files from full satellites in the Professional version.
  • 23. Reduced docking pane caption size.
  • 24. Removed upper case conversion for user and file names in status bar.
  • 25. Status bar labels and messages no longer appear in upper case.
  • 26. Fix for project tab set not being shown when opening empty projects.
  • 27. Fix for error in Batch QA when using invalid SQL filter.
  • 28. Fix for various issues with customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 29. Fix for incorrect option names in the Export options window.
  • 30. Fix for issues with exporting translation memories to Excel.
  • 31. Fix for issue with duplicate detection in translation memories with orphaned translations.
  • 32. Fix for missing display of unknown client codes when browsing the translation memory.
  • 33. Fix for issue with missing termbase matches in AutoSearch when using COM+.
  • 34. Fix for incorrect SQL when selecting Confirmed status in the Build Status Expression window.
  • 35. Fix for issue with recent file list showing items that no longer exist.


  • 1. Added support for joining segments across paragraph breaks in Offce Live filter.
  • 2. Added support for exporting segment status highlighting and comments to the Office Live filter.
  • 3. Added support for extracting index entries in Word files in the Office Live filter.


  • 1. Updated visual appearance of various wizards.
  • 2. Performance improvements for Live Preview.
  • 3. Fix for loss of inline formatting when sending an entire project to the translation memory.
  • 4. Improved handling of control characters in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 5. Fix for issues with formatted numbered lists in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 6. Fix for issues with incorrectly escaped characters in hidden runs in the Office Live filter (only applies to newly imported files).
  • 7. Fix for extraneous codes caused by proofing language changes in Office Live filter.
  • 8. Fix for inconsistent embedded HTML and regular expression support in the Office Live filter.
  • 9. Fix for inconsistent support for importing comments in Office Live filter.
  • 10. Fix for issue with revision tracking in Word documents in the Office Live filter.
  • 11. Fix for incorrect detection of tag-only segments in the aligner.
  • 12. Fix for character encoding issues in hidden text in RTF and DOC filters.
  • 13. Fix for issues with hidden text in the Office 2007 Open XML filter.
  • 14. Fix for issue with screen flicker when AutoSearch is enabled.
  • 15. Fix for issue with docking pane state not being saved in some cases.
  • 16. Fix for issues with disabled dockable panes.
  • 17. Fix for disabled button in FILE > Deliver and Export window when entering non-existent path.
  • 18. Fix for issues with removing items from the default ribbon or context menu layouts.
  • 19. Fix for issue with inconsistent text wrapping and missing lines in the translation grid.
  • 20. Fix for certain File tab actions not working when added to customized ribbon.
  • 21. Removed overwrite prompt when selecting an existing translation memory in the Alignment wizard.
  • 22. Restored support for exporting files from full satellites in the Professional version.
  • 23. Reduced docking pane caption size.
  • 24. Removed upper case conversion for user and file names in status bar.
  • 25. Status bar labels and messages no longer appear in upper case.
  • 26. Fix for project tab set not being shown when opening empty projects.
  • 27. Fix for error in Batch QA when using invalid SQL filter.
  • 28. Fix for various issues with customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 29. Fix for incorrect option names in the Export options window.
  • 30. Fix for issues with exporting translation memories to Excel.
  • 31. Fix for issue with duplicate detection in translation memories with orphaned translations.
  • 32. Fix for missing display of unknown client codes when browsing the translation memory.
  • 33. Fix for issue with missing termbase matches in AutoSearch when using COM+.
  • 34. Fix for incorrect SQL when selecting Confirmed status in the Build Status Expression window.
  • 35. Fix for issue with recent file list showing items that no longer exist.