Unmatched file compatibility and interoperability: Import any file format you can think of. Compatibility with other CAT tools is ensured with the handling of XLIFF files, TMX databases, Termbase exports and RTF External View.
AutoWrite: AutoWrite works with you as you translate, automatically proposing a series of terms, phrases and sentences that are mined from your databases and interactively assembled for you to select with one click as you type.
DeepMiner (Fuzzy Match Repair): DeepMiner extracts much more information from your terminology and translation memory databases than any other solution and uses it to greater effect, allowing assembly of portions and fuzzy matches repair.
Voice command and speech recognition: Use Dragon Naturally Speaking with Déjà Vu. Configure your voice commands and work in Déjà Vu using nothing but a microphone, without touching your mouse or keyboard! Huge productivity gains and healthier daily activity!
Intelligent Quality: Déjà Vu X3 offers translators and their customers all the benefits of Atril’s Intelligent Quality technology
Inline Formatting: Format your text using the ribbon or shortcut keys, which are consistent with those of Microsoft Office. Inline formatting also contributes to a considerable decrease in tags within the translation grid.
Live Preview & Source Context: With Déjà Vu X3’s Live Preview, you can track how you are progressing with your translation in Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF files in real time.
Machine translation direct integration: DVX3 is the first CAT tool to integrate 8 machine translation providers at three different levels: segment level, sub-segment level and using your own databases along with MT results to repair fuzzy matches.
Powerful batch maintenance of project and database quality: “Select and Execute” commands enable swift yet sophisticated project quality management and database maintenance. The SmartView interface makes it easier than ever to generate these commands and Quality Assurance rules and to save them for future reuse.
Guaranteed Matches: You no longer need to worry about multiple matches in translation memories. Déjà Vu X3 Professional takes the context of each segment into account to select the most appropriate match.
Inline Spell-checker: Déjà Vu X3’s built-in spell checker, provided by Hunspell, highlights spelling mistakes for you. A total of 35 different dictionaries are at your disposal. MS Office dictionary is also available.
Advanced analysis for best quotation: DVX3 can scan your project against your databases to help you create your quotation, organize your schedule and benefit from inter and intra project analysis. Also identify internal repetitions and duplicates!
Advanced pre-translation function: Benefit from Atril’s unique DeepMiner technology to repair fuzzy matches and assemble relevant sub-segment portions, for optimum leveraging of your databases.
Project Lexicon: Build glossaries based on your projects or incorporate the customer’s terminology. This unique feature offers a range of possibilities, from temporary glossaries to powerful integration through DeepMiner with AutoWrite, Assemble or AutoAssemble.
Create multiple file projects: Déjà Vu X3 can handle many files within each project (up to 2GB), so you can perform a range of operations, including Pre-translation, Search & Replace and batch Quality Control checks, on all files at once.
SmartView: This is a fully-customizable, tabbed-window interface that puts everything within easy reach and shows what you want at a glance while simultaneously reducing screen clutter.
Create multiple file projects: Déjà Vu X3 Professional can handle a high number of files within each project (until 2GB), allowing you to perform a range of operations on every file at once, from Pretranslation and Search & Replace to batch Quality Control checks.
Create multiple format projects: DVX3 uses a single clear interface to handle all the many different supported files (Office, InDesign, XML, XIFF etc). DVX3 then exports your translations automatically, preserving the original structure and formatting.
Quality Assurance module with defined and customizable rules: Automatically check terminology consistency in your projects and ensure the correct use of formatting, numbers and tags. It can be customized to your taste through unlimited SQL requests (punctuation, non-translatable text, etc).
Alignment project: Multi-file and multi-format alignment in one user friendly alignment project makes your databases creation quick and easy.
Term extraction: Use the lexicon to extract most frequent terms from your project and use regular expression to harvest relevant terms more easily, both from your projects and translation memories.